This is the Introduction to the Sermon. You will receive the full manuscript sermon in Word format when you purchase.
Title: “Discovering My Identity in Christ”
Series: I Am Free From Condemnation
[1]Pastor Lee Strobel shared an account of something that happened to him that I’d like to share with you today:
“We were doing a baptism service. We told people before they came up to the platform to be baptized to take a piece of paper, write down a few of the sins they've committed, and fold the paper. When they came up to the platform, there was a large wooden cross on the stage. We told them to take that piece of paper, take a pin, and pin it to the cross, because the Bible says our sins are nailed to the cross with Jesus Christ, and fully paid for by his death. Then turn and come to the pastor to be baptized.
I want to read you a letter a woman wrote who was baptized in one of those services. She said:
“I remember my fear. In fact, it was the most fear I remember in my life. I wrote as tiny as I could on that piece of paper the word abortion. I was so scared someone would open the paper and read it and find out it was me. I wanted to get up and walk out of the auditorium during the service, the guilt and fear were that strong. When my turn came, I walked toward the cross, and I pinned the paper there. I was directed to a pastor to be baptized. He looked me straight in the eyes, and I thought for sure that he was going to read this terrible secret I kept from everybody for so long. But instead, I felt like God was telling me, I love you. It's okay. You've been forgiven. I felt so much love for me, a terrible sinner. It's the first time I ever really felt forgiveness and unconditional love. It was unbelievable, indescribable.” [end of illustration.]
Let me ask you a question – do you have inside of you a secret sin that you wouldn't even want to write down on a piece of paper out of fear somebody might open it up and find out? Let me tell you something about the Jesus I know – Not only does he want to adopt you as his child; he wants to lift the weight of guilt off your shoulders.
When we come to Christ and accept Him as our Savior, He promises us not only forgiveness of sin, but a freedom from future condemnation.
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. – Romans 8:1-2 (ESV)
That’s quite a promise, isn’t it? If I belong to Christ Jesus I will never be condemned – there is no reason to fear the judgment, for I have already been declared innocent through the sacrifice of Jesus.
Let’s look at three freedoms that are ours if we are Christ Followers:
[1] Lee Strobel, "Meet the Jesus I Know," Preaching Today tape no. 211